Latest Episodes

Holy Man - Episode 6: Spiritual Disciplines
Life Group Questions Name a habit you do every day. What is a weekly non-negotiable activity for you? (tv show, hobby, etc) What about...

Holy Man - Episode 5: Politics with Mike
Discussion Questions: How much do you know about, and how much are you involved in politics? Would you rather know more and be more...

Holy Man - Episode 4: Sticks and Stones
Sticks and Stones Study Question: To swear or not to swear, that is the question. Is it a big deal? For those who swear...

Holy Man - Episode 3: Family Bliss
Family Bliss Study Question: What are some of the problems(fun and not so fun) that arise in your family relationships because you can’t control...

Holy Man - Episode 2: Costs vs Spending
Costs vs Spending Study Question: Who is enjoying our present crazy financial world? What are you hearing about it in the news? How much...

Holy Man - Episode 1: Control vs Influence
This podcast is titled “Holy Man: a Journey of Becoming Godly Men.” When you hear the word “holy” what comes to mind? Do you...