Latest Episodes

Holy Man - Episode 60 - Self Controlled or Disciplined
Life Group Questions: Episode 60 What is one bad habit you have had in the past, or are still struggling with now? What is...

Holy Man - Episode 59 - Living a Holy life
Life Group Questions: Episode 59 Tell about a time or place when you felt like you were standing on Holy Ground. What made it...

Holy Man - Episode 58 - Just and upright
Life Group Questions: Episode 58 Do you think its fair and just that the Chiefs won the Super Bowl? How do you feel about...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 57 - Loving God Wholeheartedly
Life Group Questions: Episode 57 Name a place that you would consider to be a “good” place to eat. What makes it good? Why...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 56 - Fathering God’s Way
Life Group Questions: Episode 56 Who is one of your favorite characters in a tv show or movie that plays a husband or father?...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 55 - Generosity/Free from the love of money
Life Group Questions: Episode 55 If you won a BIG lottery of some kind, what 1 thing you would like to do with it?...