Holy Man - Episode 8: Guard Your Hearts

Episode 8 November 22, 2021 00:26:38
Holy Man - Episode 8: Guard Your Hearts
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man - Episode 8: Guard Your Hearts

Nov 22 2021 | 00:26:38


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Life Group Questions:

  1. Share a story of when you first started noticing images of women. Like my stories of Charlie’s Angels and HBO at my friend’s home and SI Swimsuit magazines, how did it happen for you?
  2. Can you remember a moment in the past when, looking, at these images affected a relationship around you? (Wife, child, parent, friend…) How did that go for you and your heart?
  3. Read Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:27-30. Is noticing that a woman is beautiful a bad thing based upon this text?  (NO)  What is a definition of lust? (Google it) 
  4. “your whole body to be thrown into hell” So often we read that phrase to mean in the end, after we die.  But, if our lusting after other women (other than our wives) causes issues in our relationships, and issues in our walk with God, could that be considered hell on earth? 
  5. Jesus shares a figurative image of gouging out an eye or cutting off a hand, two parts of the body utilized in the lusting process. Since we know that a handless man and a blind man could still lust after a woman, what is Jesus actually suggesting we do?  What could that look like in our present age?
  6. Extra: Read Proverbs 7.  It’s another wisdom chapter focused upon a “Warning about Immoral Women.”  Contemporize this chapter.  What are the warnings?  What ideas for life does Solomon share?

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