Holy Man Podcast - Episode 28

Episode 28 October 26, 2022 00:36:35
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 28
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 28

Oct 26 2022 | 00:36:35


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Life Group Questions:

  1. What person has been your biggest cheerleader in life? Describe how she/he has impacted your life?
  2. Have you ever abandoned a dream or a course of action because of someone’s discouraging words, or their doubt, and later regretted your decision to do so?
  3. Read Joshua 1:1-9. If you were Joshua, would you feel encouraged or discouraged?  Why?  Would you feel doubt, or confidence moving forward?  Why?  What are some of the key words of encouragement and hope which God shares with Joshua?  In general, what words of encouragement does God share with each of us?
  4. With whom do you sometimes share doubt and discouragement? What leads you to share it with them?  How do you feel, and how do they feel when you do it?  Each man share one person who they will intentionally encourage this week, and how you might do it.  How will they respond? 
  5. Read Matthew 17:14-20. How big was God for the disciples?  Or their faith in God?  What is a “mountain” that God has helped you move because of your faith?  (Forgiving someone you didn’t want to forgive;  tithing;  serving in the church; leaving a job; asking a certain girl out, etc)  What is a “mountain” that you would love God to help you move, but at present you doubt it could happen?  

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