Latest Episodes

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 30
Life Group Questions: Tell a recent story about a conversation where you should have gotten a pat on the back due to how good...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 29 - Special Guest Mitch Austin
Life Group Questions: If you could add one trait/attribute/ability to your life, what would it be and why? (no super hero traits.) If you...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 28
Life Group Questions: What person has been your biggest cheerleader in life? Describe how she/he has impacted your life? Have you ever abandoned a...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 27 - Special Guest Randy Tate
Life Group Questions: What is the harshest, rudest, tactless thing you can remember being said to you? What’s the worst one you can remember...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 26 - Special Guests Josiah Moerkerke & Levi Kissack
Life Group Questions: If you were on Jeopardy, what is one category of questions you would do well with? A category you would crash...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 25
In this episode, Paul talks about the struggles we can get into if we regularly belittle others, or if we are cynical people. Negativity...