Holy Man Podcast - Episode 30

Episode 30 November 09, 2022 00:36:49
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 30
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 30

Nov 09 2022 | 00:36:49


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Life Group Questions:

  1. Tell a recent story about a conversation where you should have gotten a pat on the back due to how good you communicated. Now tell a recent story about a conversation where you should have gotten a kick in the *** due to how bad you communicated.  What led up to those different conversations? 
  2. Paul in the podcast shared several ways our silence keeps us from a better life. (Not confessing sin to God; Not letting someone else know that they hurt you; dealing with conflict by bottling or stuffing it;  Not sharing the Gospel with someone;  Not speaking up when others are being hurt)  Which of those silent treatments are a struggle for you?  Why? 
  3. Read Colossians 4:2-6 Paul looked at verses 5 & 6 during the podcast.  In verses 2-4, what does Paul say is vital to us having grace filled, salty conversations with others?  What are some of the ways in which prayer can be so vital to our conversations?  With whom will you be having a conversation with that grace and salty will help that moment?  Why?
  4. The topics of this semester: Divisive, argumentative, complaining, retaliating, hasty, boasting, flattering, manipulative, belittling, cynical, know-it-all, self-absorbed, harsh, tactless, rude, discouraging, doubting, judgmental, self-deprecating, silence. Which one or two of these is still your nemesis?  Take turns laying hands on and praying over each man in your group and the communication struggle each has that God will help them do better.

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