Holy Man Episode 42 – Building a Good Reputation

Episode 42 September 13, 2023 00:21:06
Holy Man Episode 42 – Building a Good Reputation
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man Episode 42 – Building a Good Reputation

Sep 13 2023 | 00:21:06


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Life Group Questions: Building a Good Reputation

  1. If we asked 5 people who went to High School with you, what would they say you were known for? What was your reputation?
  2. What about if we asked that same question to people who are in your present circle(s)? Including immediate family?  People at work?  In your Life Group?  In the community?
  3. What are some things for which Jesus had a reputation? Come up with a list.  Read Matthew 9:9-13  Was this a good thing, or a bad thing for his reputation?
  4. Thinking back to questions 1 and 2. Do you have the reputation of being a Christian, or follower, or imitator of Jesus?  Why or why not?
  5. Read 1 Peter 2:11-17. What does Peter say to Christians about our reputations?  What are some ways we can apply those suggestions to our lives?

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