Holy Man Episode 43 – Maintaining Moral Purity

Episode 43 September 20, 2023 00:33:15
Holy Man Episode 43 – Maintaining Moral Purity
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man Episode 43 – Maintaining Moral Purity

Sep 20 2023 | 00:33:15


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Life Group Questions: Maintaining Moral Purity

  1. If “Moral Purity” is only having “one wife”, how old were you when you started to struggle with this one? In other words, at what age did you begin to notice and want to connect with girls?  In what ways have you struggled over the years? (TV, magazines, online images, relationships, etc…)
  2. Last week we talked about a good reputation; why do you think Paul followed up that attribute with “one wife” or moral purity? Why is this attribute so important? 
  3. If you are married, how is the communication with your wife in regards to your struggle with moral, sexual purity? How can we be honest with our wives without them feeling threatened?
  4. Read 1 Tim 6:11-16. Practically speaking, how could Paul’s suggestions work in this area of life?  What are some things that have worked for you in maintaining moral purity?  What are some things that have NOT worked for you?
  5. Why do you think some men have more difficulty maintaining moral purity? What can your Life Group do to walk alongside those men in your group moving forward?

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