Holy Man - Episode 60 - Self Controlled or Disciplined

Episode 60 March 20, 2024 00:25:26
Holy Man - Episode 60 - Self Controlled or Disciplined
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man - Episode 60 - Self Controlled or Disciplined

Mar 20 2024 | 00:25:26


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Life Group Questions: Episode 60

  1. What is one bad habit you have had in the past, or are still struggling with now? What is one of the many good habits you have at present?
  2. What is the one habit you wish you could go back and tell younger you to do, or not do?
  3. Read 1 Timothy 4:6-16. What are some ideas that Paul shares with Timothy that can help us stay disciplined at knowing Jesus and following Jesus?
  4. Summer is coming. Time for a break.  But Paul just said, “train yourself to be Godly.”  Each of you share one way/habit that you plan to keep doing or start doing that will help you be better trained for God’s mission?
  5. Pray over each other to help support one another on our journeys with Jesus. To do so, each guy share what they need prayer for.

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