Holy Man - Episode 59 - Living a Holy life

March 13, 2024 00:38:37
Holy Man - Episode 59 - Living a Holy life
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man - Episode 59 - Living a Holy life

Mar 13 2024 | 00:38:37


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Life Group Questions: Episode 59

  1. Tell about a time or place when you felt like you were standing on Holy Ground. What made it feel that way?
  2. Paul tells us in Titus 1:8 to live a holy life. How holy is your life?  Does it help us to know that our being holy is completely dependent upon God and His grace?
  3. God loved you while you still sinned.(Romans 5:6-8) God paid the price for your sins to save you.(Romans 3:22-25)  God continues to save you from sinning towards a better (Holy)life.(Romans 12:1-2)   How do we feel about what God does for us? 
  4. Why do many people want to do something to make themselves acceptable to God? Or, why do we try to have our works save us instead of having faith in God and His grace?
  5. Read John 14:15-31. As you read, notice and talk about what Jesus says the Holy Spirit will do for us to help us on our journey of becoming more holy.  What are some ways you are collaborating with the Holy Spirt on your journey of holiness?

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