Holy Man Podcast - Episode 32

Episode 32 February 16, 2023 00:22:13
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 32
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 32

Feb 16 2023 | 00:22:13


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Life Group Questions: Abel the Worshipper

  1. Name a person, or an activity, or a thing, that if they/it all of a sudden disappeared from the earth, your life would be drastically affected. Why?
  2. Tell about one of the greatest moments of worship you experienced. What made it great?
  3. Read Genesis 4:1-12. What possible daily thoughts and habits in Abel’s life as a shepherd led him to the amazing time of worship?  What about Cain’s life, the gardener/farmer?  
  4. Read Mark 12:28-34. In verse 33, what does this man know that Cain didn’t?
  5. In the Mark text, Jesus says we are to “Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, strength.” In you normal day/week, how could or does this play out?  (Possibly break it down through those 4 words)  How is it an act of worship?
  6. IF loving God and loving others is an act of worship in each moment of the day, how worshipful is your average week? Are you showing up on Sunday mornings after a good week of worship?

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