Holy Man Podcast - Episode 53 - Treating Others Fairly

Episode 53 January 31, 2024 00:34:37
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 53 - Treating Others Fairly
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 53 - Treating Others Fairly

Jan 31 2024 | 00:34:37


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Holy Man Episode 53 LG Questions:

  1. Have you ever been given a 2nd chance when you didn’t deserve it? If so, tell the story.
  2. What are some relationships in your life in which you have difficulty being fair-minded, considerate and gentle in handling people? If you knew their entire story, how might it change your attitude?
  3. Talk through the story of Jonah in the Bible to make sure everyone knows the gist of it. What can we learn from Jonah as far as this attribute goes throughout the story, even after his “fish” experience? How does God deal with the different characters in the story?   Who are you more like in the story, Jonah or God?
  4. What are some ways to know when we need to hold someone accountable, and when we need to be gentle and/or share grace?
  5. Which Jesus story can help us learn this attribute better?

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