Holy Man Podcast - Episode 55 - Generosity/Free from the love of money

Episode 55 February 14, 2024 00:38:37
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 55 - Generosity/Free from the love of money
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 55 - Generosity/Free from the love of money

Feb 14 2024 | 00:38:37


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Life Group Questions: Episode 55

  1. If you won a BIG lottery of some kind, what 1 thing you would like to do with it?
  2. How has the “love of money” caused problems for you in the past? In what ways has it hurt you and/or your relationships with others?
  3. Read the story in 2 Kings 5:13-27. How did the “love of money” show up in this story?  How was a heart of generosity part of Elisha’s life?
  4. Why is generosity an important attribute to learn as a Christian? How does it affect us?  How does it affect others?
  5. Hebrews 13:1-6. Read through each verse one at a time.  How does each action have to do with a heart of generosity? 
  6. What is one step you hope to take to move from a “love of money” issue towards a more generous way of life?

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