Holy Man Episode 47 – Hospitable – Sharing our Resources

Episode 47 October 18, 2023 00:18:16
Holy Man Episode 47 – Hospitable – Sharing our Resources
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man Episode 47 – Hospitable – Sharing our Resources

Oct 18 2023 | 00:18:16


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Life Group Questions

  1. What is the best meal YOU(not your wife) could/would make if someone came to your house for a meal?
  2. Tell about a time when you were blessed by someone else’s hospitality. Besides the food/drink, what made it a blessing?
  3. Read Acts 2:42-47 and 4:32-35 to see a glimpse of hospitality and generosity in the early church. What are some of the attributes of hospitality/generosity we see?  In what ways is the present Church comparable?  In what ways have we changed? 
  4. Read Romans 12:9-13. What barriers do you/we face and have to overcome in applying what Paul says into our lives, especially practicing hospitality?
  5. What are some ways you and/or your family are hospitable? Can you think of something you’d like to do immediately to begin to develop this Spiritual quality in your life?

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