Latest Episodes

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 18 Special Guest Jon Struebing
Lies Discussed: I have the right to be angry when things don’t go my way. Pain and suffering are always bad. The world is...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 17 Special Guest Quentin Rogers
Life Group Discussion: Lies Discussed: Making more money will make me happier. I’m not responsible to be the provider for my wife and family....

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 16 Special Guest Jay and Terry
Life Group Discussion: Lies Discussed: How I spend my time is my business. I’m not responsible to be the provider for my wife and...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 15 Special Guest Grant Austin
Life Group Discussion: Lies Discussed: Love doesn’t require spoken words. My wife is supposed to make me happy. I don’t have what it takes...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 14 Special Guest Cale McCormick
Discussion Questions: Ok, guys…be honest. Can you remember back when you first looked at something with some nudity? How old were you? How did...

Holy Man Podcast - Episode 13 Special Guest Nick Rasse
Lies Discussed: If I mean well, that’s good enough. I can hide my secret sin since it only hurts me. Holiness is boring. Discussion...