Holy Man Podcast - Episode 13 Special Guest Nick Rasse

Episode 13 March 10, 2022 00:29:48
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 13 Special Guest Nick Rasse
Holy Man Podcast
Holy Man Podcast - Episode 13 Special Guest Nick Rasse

Mar 10 2022 | 00:29:48


Hosted By

Paul Baughman

Show Notes

Lies Discussed:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some of the rules/laws in life that get “bent”? Tell of a time when you “bent” a law, but didn’t break it, from your point of view. 
  2. Like stripes on a football field, how/when are rules in life a good idea? How/when are they NOT a good idea?  If bending certain rules/laws is ok, who gets to decide how far it can be bent?
  3. Why are God’s rules/laws for life so important? Read Ephesians 4:17-5:2  Why does God provide us these guides for life?   How could each of these individual rules/laws in this passage bless us?  IF we ignore them, how could that hurt us?  Could it be that God loves us with these rules/laws/guides?
  4. Read Jonah 1. How did Jonah’s sin impact others in the story?  What are some ways your sins (even secret sins) have impacted, or could impact other people?
  5. What does the word “holiness” mean? Read 1 Peter 1:14-17.  Can you think of reasons why personal holiness matters?  Can Christians still have fun, and be holy at the same time?  Why, or why not?

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